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3.2 Million Matches and Counting
Uma & Sandip
It was like Magic! We connected well in 2 months and decided to tie the knot. It seemed like everything was falling in place. We trusted our destiny and decided to do a new beginning! Read more
Vishal & Vidya
We got engaged on 7th April 2023. We started talking on 8th March 2023. Finding my soulmate on felt like a dream. I'd nearly lost hope of falling in love and marrying, but then Vishal messaged me. Our connection was instantaneous; convers... Read more
Alankar & Megha
Hi It's all about our love story. Alankar was a paid member and mine was a free account. I remember it was something special slot during which I could text to paid members. I am thankful to because I only got the opportunity to talk with... Read more
Dr Shashi & Dr Pooja
From to Happily Ever After: The Love Story of Dr Shashi and Dr Pooja In the digital age of romance, fate brought together Dr Shashi Prakash Verma and Dr Pooja Singh on, igniting a journey that would lead to a lifetime of love... Read more
Dr Shashi & Dr Pooja
From to Happily Ever After: The Love Story of Dr Shashi and Dr Pooja In the digital age of romance, fate brought together Dr Shashi Prakash Verma and Dr Pooja Singh on, igniting a journey that would lead to a lifetime of love... Read more
Charmi & Udit
We started conversing through messages on the platform, discussing various topics ranging from our hobbies to our aspirations for the future. As we continued to communicate and get to know each other better, we realized that we had a strong connectio... Read more
Srinesh & Sanju
For a long time, we had been searching to find the perfect partner, it came close to no luck. Then on a normal day, on my account, I came across Sanjula profile and I just had to message her.Little did I know we would instantly click and ... Read more
Shubham & Nidhi
Thank you very much to the team of who gave me my companion.. I will always be thankful to you people throughout my life.. If you had not logged in then perhaps we both would have been searching for each other even today.. Then again a lot... Read more
Vinita & Mandeep
We kept on chatting and i was chatting with other guys but how Mandeep put and effort and decided to meet rather than continue chatting .we just found eachother so easy going and how days passes when we met it made me feel that how light i am feeling... Read more
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